jueves, 13 de julio de 2017

Targetes Enjoiades/Tarjetas Enjoyadas/Jeweled Cards

Col.laboració Alicia Joyería Mágica & Xavier Miró Inglés Il.lustracions

Alicia Joyería Mágica
0034 616 23 45 61
Aliciajoyeriamagica (Facebook)

Xavier Miró Inglés Il.lustracions
0034 640 77 02 50
Abracadabra Potadecabra (Facebook)



Randes/Encajes/ Lace... Tècnica/Técnica/Technique: Aquarel.la/ Acuarela/ Watercolor
Arrecades i Anell/ Pendientes y Anillo/Earrings and Ring


Glans/Bellotas/ Acorns... Tècnica/Técnica/Technique: Aquarel.la/ Acuarela/ Watercolor
Arrecades / Pendientes/Earrings 

Anell/ Anillo/ Ring


Bombolles/Burbujas/ Bubbles... Tècnica/Técnica/Technique: Aquarel.la/ Acuarela/ Watercolor

Arrecades i Anell/ Pendientes y Anillo/Earrings and Ring


Cors Enamorats/Corazones enamorados/ Hearts in Love... Tècnica/Técnica/Technique: Aquarel.la/ Acuarela/ Watercolor
Arrecades / Pendientes /Earrings


Cors Matryoshka /Corazones Matryoshka/ Matryoshka Hearts... Tècnica/Técnica/Technique: Aquarel.la/ Acuarela/ Watercolor
Arrecades / Pendientes /Earrings 


Eriçons de Mar/Erizos de Mar/ Sea Urchins... Tècnica/Técnica/Technique: Aquarel.la/ Acuarela/ Watercolor
Arrecades i Anell/ Pendientes y Anillo/Earrings and Ring


Papallones/Mariposas/Butterflys... Tècnica/Técnica/Technique: Aquarel.la/ Acuarela/ Watercolor
Arrecades i Anell/ Pendientes y Anillo/Earrings and Ring

viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

Kit Verbenero para un Petardo Sandunguero/Verbena Party Kit for a Sandunguero Firecracker

Tècnica/Técnica/ Technique: aquarel.la Acuarela / Watercolor 

Verbena Party Kit for a Sandunguero Firecracker

Sandunguero(funny) Firecracker

Using the Anima-objects spell (Treatise on Magic [Merlin's Book of Secrets] page 230). Any sorcerer can give life to an inanimate object. The Sangunguero Firecracker, is one of the most used by the Necromancers on the nights before the Summer Solstice (St. John's Eve for the non-magical). This faithful servant, moreover, is equipped with a verbenero Kit that consists of a pyrotechnic assortment and other utensils that help him in his attack; Capturing children during those nights to give them to their masters.


Water bottle

Candies: Seasoned with Poppy. Used as a decoy, children fall into a deep sleep, facilitating their capture and transport.


Sack: Endowed with infinite storage and antigravity field that annuls the weight of its content. Ideal for heavy loads.

Flying Broom: Witchy transport

Pyrotechnic Assortment

Fireproof backpack: Keep firecrackers isolated avoiding accidents. It is capable of sucking fire in case of fires.

Farts of Mummy


Ravens chase

Human deception : Create the visual illusion of a Witch who mounted on her broom crosses the night towards the Moon. Often used to mislead non-magicians.



Enchanted castle

Packaged fog

Witch Hats

Scare Cats

Fatuous Fires


Storm capsules



If you find  a Sandunguero Firecracker, don't let yourself be tempted by their tricks and run away. Also, rejoice, because their presence means that any fire caused by the dangerous sparks that give off firecrackers and rockets will be immediately suffocated before causing irreparable damage to the forests.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Bona Pascua/ Feliz Pascua/ Happy Easter

Tècnica/ Tecnica/ Technique: Aquarel.la/ Acuarela/Watercolor

Cada Primavera, la Gallina més FELIÇ del món, pon un ou especial.
Y d'aquest naix la PASQUA.

Every Spring, the HAPPYest hen in the world, lays a special egg.
And from it, the EASTER is Born.

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017


Viñetas con mensaje Filosófico para MÖC project.

Tinta china y acuarela.
Técnica mixta

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Sólo hay que ponerse en contacto conmigo a través del mail xarvis@hotmail.com 
Facebook Abracadabra PotadeCabra https://www.facebook.com/Abracadabra-pota-de-cabra-1561560917394928/?ref=hl
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If you want a personalized illustration, design a tatoo, illustrate stories, books, ... Or maybe some of the illustrations are in the blog.

Just contact me via mail xarvis@hotmail.com 
Facebook Abracadabra PotadeCabra https://www.facebook.com/Abracadabra-pota-de-cabra-1561560917394928/?ref=hl
Or even directly here! http://xavmirin.blogspot.com.es/, asking what you want and delighted I shall tell you everything you need ...